Navigation Without a Map: Effective Strategies for UX Review of Complex IT Products


Modern IT products are often complex mechanisms where user experience (UX) plays a crucial role. However, conducting UX reviews of such products can be challenging due to the vast amount of data and functionality. In this article, we will explore effective strategies for conducting UX reviews of complex IT products and provide practical advice from an experienced practitioner.


1. Understanding the Product Goals

Before embarking on a UX review, it is essential to deeply understand the goals and objectives of the product. This will help focus attention on the most critical aspects of the user experience and avoid getting lost in the data. Key questions to ask include: What problems does the product solve? What target audiences does it serve? What are the key features and characteristics?

2. Analysis of User Scenarios

Identify the primary usage scenarios of the product and focus on them during the review. Explore how users interact with the product from start to finish. This will help identify potential issues or improvements in the user experience at different stages.

3. Categorization

For a more systematic approach, categorize UX aspects such as navigation, visual design, functionality, etc. This will help organize the review process and focus on each aspect separately, reducing the risk of drowning in data.

4. Use of Analytics Tools and User Feedback

Utilize analytics data to determine the most visited pages, user paths, and other important metrics. Also, pay attention to user feedback to understand their issues and needs. This will help focus on the most significant aspects of the user experience.

5. Creating an Improvement Plan

Based on the conducted UX review, develop an improvement plan that includes priority areas for changes. Remember that it is impossible to fix all issues at once, so focus on the most critical and influential aspects of the user experience.


Conducting UX reviews of complex IT products requires a systematic and organized approach. By following the strategies outlined above, you can effectively analyze the user experience and develop improvements that will make your product even more appealing to users. Remember that UX review is a continuous process, and it is essential to constantly monitor changes in user needs and expectations.
